Oral Presentations
Wednesday, October 8
CHAIR: Aleksandar Matic | |
9.00-9.05 | WELCOME by Jeppe Dyre |
A brief history of the Carlsberg Akademi | |
9.05-9.20 | Klaus Bock (DNRF) |
The Danish National Research Foundation | |
9.20-9.50 | Austen Angell (Arizona State University) |
Opening lecture | |
10.00-10.30 | Keith Nelson, Jeremy Johnson & Christoph Klieber (MIT) |
Coherent MHz and GHz Longitudinal and Shear Acoustic Phonons in Glass-Forming Liquids | |
CHAIR: Ernst Rössler | |
11.00-11.20 | Tina Hecksher (Roskilde University) |
Little Evidence for Dynamic Divergences in Ultraviscous Molecular Liquids | |
11.30-11.50 | Isak Avramov (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) |
Viscosity, entropy and fragility | |
12.00-12.20 | Nikolaus Petzold (Universität Bayreuth) |
The Dynamic Crossover in o-Terphenyl | |
12.30-12.50 | Albena Nielsen (Roskilde University) |
Prevalence of ![]() ![]() |
CHAIR: Andrea Mandanici | |
16.00-16.20 | Ulf Rørbæk Pedersen (Roskilde University) |
Long-lived Structural Fluctuations and Crystallization of Binary Mixture | |
16.30-16.50 | Francois Sausset (Université Pierre et Marie Curie) |
A Fragile Monodisperse Lennard-Jones Liquid on the Hyperbolic plane: | |
Dynamical Heterogeneities and Topological Defects | |
17.00-17.20 | Alistar Ottochian (Pisa University) |
Universal Scaling between Structural Relaxation and Caged Dynamics | |
in Glass-Forming Liquids, Polymers and Binary Mixtures | |
17.30-17.50 | Frederic Affouard (Université Lille) |
Breakdown of the Stokes-Einstein Relation in Lennard-Jones Glass-Forming Mixtures | |
with different Interaction Potentials | |
CHAIR: Marc Descamps | |
20.00-20.20 | Niels Boye Olsen (Roskilde University) |
Ageing of Dielectric and Mechanical Properties | |
20.30-20.50 | Gregor Diezemann (Universität Mainz) |
Memory effects in the Gaussian Trap Model |
Thursday, October 9
CHAIR: Christ Glorieux | |
9.00-9.20 | Friedrich Kremer (Universität Leipzig) |
Electrode Polarisation and its Scaling: A Microscopic Model | |
9.30-9.50 | Joshua Sangoro (Universität Leipzig) |
Charge Transport and Mass Transport in Ionic Liquids | |
10.00-10.20 | Bo Jakobsen (Roskilde University) |
Frequency-Dependent Specific Heat from Thermal Effusion in Spherical Geometry | |
CHAIR: Ulrich Buchenau | |
11.00-11.20 | Claudio Maggi (Roskilde University) |
Shear-Mechanical and Dielectric Dynamic Heterogeneity in Supercooled Liquids | |
11.30-11.50 | Melanie Köhler (Universität Augsburg) |
Dynamics of Structurally and Orientationally Disordered Materials Investigated | |
by Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy | |
12.00-12.20 | Catalin Gainaru (Universität Dortmund) |
Dynamics Slower than the Structural Relaxation in Viscous Liquids | |
CHAIR: Tullio Scopigno | |
14.30-14.50 | Kumar Kunal (University of Akron) |
Influence of Chemical Structure on Fragility in Polymers: A Qualitative Picture | |
15.00-15.20 | Daniele Cangialosi (University of the Basque Country) |
Fragility and Thermodynamics in Complex Glass-formers | |
15.30-15.50 | Kristine Niss (Roskilde University) |
Fragility and its (Proposed) Correlation to other Properties | |
- What Can We Learn from High-Pressure Experiments? | |
16.00-16.20 | Aleksandar Matic (Chalmers University) |
Structure and Dynamics in Hydrogen-Bonded Liquids | |
CHAIR: Burkhard Geil | |
17.00-17.20 | Nicholas P. Bailey (Roskilde University) |
Understanding non-exponentiality and non-Arrhenius Temperature Dependence | |
through Memory Functions | |
17.30-17.50 | John C. Mauro (Corning Incorporated) |
On the Relationship Between Fragility and Stretching | |
18.00-18.20 | Andreas Heuer (Universität Münster) |
Fragility as Explained from the Landscape Persepctive |
Friday, October 10
CHAIR: Morten Eldrup | |
9.00-9.20 | Wei-Hua Wang (Chinese Academy of Sciences) |
The Fragility of Bulk Metallic Glasses | |
9.30-9.50 | Ralf Busch (Universität des Saarlandes) |
On Fragility of Bulk Metallic Glass-Forming Liquids | |
10.00-10.20 | Isabella Gallino (Universität des Saarlandes) |
Kinetic and Thermodynamic Studies of the Fragility of Bulk Metallic Glass-Forming Liquids | |
CHAIR: Søren Toxværd | |
11.00-11.20 | Roland Böhmer (Technische Univertät Dortmund) |
Strong forever - Supercooled hydration water in connective tissue | |
11.30-11.50 | Thomas B. Schrøder (Roskilde University) |
What can Thermal Fluctuations tell us about Fragility? | |
12.00-12.20 | Simone Capaccioli (University of Pisa) |
Single-Parameter Description of the Overall Dynamics of Glass-Forming Liquids | |
under Temperature and Density Variations | |
CHAIR: Dorthe Lybye | |
13.30-13.50 | David Sidebottom (Creighton University) |
Dynamic Light Scattering in Glass-Forming Ultraphosphate Liquids | |
14.00-14.20 | Yuanzheng Yue (Aalborg University) |
Link between Liquid Fragility and Glass Iso-structure Viscosity | |
14.30-14.50 | Ralf Keding (Aalborg University) |
Fragility of High BaO Containing Glasses | |
15.00-15.20 | Neville Greaves (Aberystwyth University) |
Low Entropy Glasses from Zeolite Amorphisation | |
15.20-15.30 | Discussion |
Poster Presentations
P5 | Bo Jakobsen (Roskilde University) |
Broadband Shear Mechanical and Dielectric Investigations of Monohydroxy Alcohols Close to the Glass Transition Temperature | |
P12 | Jon Papini (Roskilde University) |
Are All Liquids Strongly Correlated at High Pressure? | |
P15 | Søren Toxvaerd (Roskilde University) |
Modeling and Simulation of Supercooled Liquids |