This collection of data sets were compiled for the article: "Physical aging of molecular glasses studied by a device allowing for rapid thermal equilibration" Tina Hecksher, Niels Boye Olsen, Kristine Niss and Jeppe C. Dyre. Journal of Chemical Physics 133:174514, 2010. This electronic version of the data was published on the "Glass and time - Data repository" found at The authors have copyright to these data. The authors have given permission to "Glass and Time" to publish the data on the "Glass and time - Data repository" web site. You are very welcome to use the data for further analysis, but are requested to cite the original publication whenever use is made of the data in publications, presentations, etc. Any questions regarding the data can be addressed to or, who would also appreciate a mail if you find the data useful. ____________________________________________________________________ The data format is defined as described below: There are 5 directories each representing a liquid: PPE (5-phenyl-4-ether) TPP (triphenylphosphate) DBP (dibutyl-phtalate) DEP (diethyl-phtalate) epoxy (2,3-epoxy propyl-phenyl-ether) Each directory contains 2 files for each temperature step experiment: [name]_time_[T1]_to_[T2].dat : the time in seconds [name]_IMeps_[T1]_to_[T2].dat: imaginary part of the dielectric constant at a fixed frequency (the frequency is indicated on the accompanying figure, and in the original publication). Beside the data files, plots of the data exist as png and eps images for reference. NOTE: FIG.3(e) of the original publication showed incorrect temperatures. In the accompanying figures here this has been corrected. Last edited December 2014, Tina Hecksher